SBSC March 2022 Ride - Fort MacArthur Museum - 03-05-2022
For the SBSC March 2022 ride (03/05/2022), a handful of stout souls braved the almost seemingly hurricane-force winds, to go on a ride to the historical Fort McArthur Museum in San Pedro, CA.
Fort MacArthur housed two large batteries/guns (Battery Harley & Battery Osgood) that could fire a shell up to 21 miles away! It was basically the defense against any naval attacks on the harbor of Los Angeles, and it protected the harbor from 1914 to 1974. You can read more about the Fort at this link.
The ride was cold, and super windy, but beautiful out, so it was a nice ride, ultimately ending up at one of our favorite watering holes, Brouwerij West, after visiting the grounds of the museum. Good times and a great museum to explore.
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