SBSC May Ride: SoCal SLOW RIDE #16
May's South Bay Scooter Ride consisted of the 16th Annual SoCAL SLOW RIDE.
For 16 years, we've been giving the opportunity for everyone to break out their underpowered, under 125cc (slow) scooters, and come on out for a ride that they can keep up on.
This year, we cruised around Palos Verdes. First stop was along Vista Del Mar and Cloyden in Rancho Palos Verdes. The second stop was at the Pt. Vicente / Pt. Fermin Lighthouse area. Our destination stop was at Brouwerij West Brewery in San Pedro, where there was plenty of good food and drinks. Another great SLOW RIDE in the books! Thanks to all who came out. Enjoy the pics below (thanks to Boydee Carlos Lising for some of the pics).